Is Terabox Safe and Legit or Not in 2024?

Is Terabox Safe and Legit or Not in 2024? (Safety Review)

TeraBox’s meteoric rise to popularity is like a digital success story in fast-forward. Despite its great success, some folks still wonder: Is Terabox Safe? Is Terabox Legit?

Well, the terabox considers its user’s data safety seriously by implementing multiple security layers and protections but still, some people are always concerned. This concern can be merely a misunderstanding or a real threat so it’s time to uncover the security and dependability facts and put any doubts to rest!

Terabox Safety Score

Green Areas

  • ISO/IEC Certifications
  • SSL/TLS in File Transfer
  • Personal Vault
  • Private File Sharing
  • Satisfactory user reviews

Yellow Areas

  • In-app Advertisements
  • Privacy Policy Concerns
  • No Live Customer Support

Comprehensive Terabox Security Overview

Triple ISO certifications (27001, 27018, and 27701) support TeraBox’s safety.

These certifications mean:

ISO 27001: It is a respected global standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). It describes how businesses must set up, carry out, preserve, and enhance security measures in order to safeguard confidential data, maintain cybersecurity, and lower privacy risks.

ISO 27018: The protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public cloud services is the main objective of ISO 27018, a standard code. It gives cloud service providers guidelines on how to put safeguards in place to protect personally identifiable information and guarantee that privacy laws are followed.

ISO 27701: It outlines the security tactics and guidelines for organizations to manage and improve their Privacy Information Management Systems (PIMS).

Terabox ISO certificate

However, upon verification of Terabox Certifications on the Official British Standards Institute Website, we confirmed that those certifications were awarded to Flextech Inc., which is the parent company of Terabox.

To earn these certifications, a company goes through some strict requirements and precise 3rd party audit monitors. Achieving them indicates that TeraBox is on top of its game when it comes to keeping your data safe!

Best New Mobile App of the Year Award

TeraBox is making its mark not just in clouds but also in awards. An expert panel loved their app so much that they nominated it for the silver award for the best new mobile app in May 2022. Why? Because TeraBox gives you tons of 1024 GB of free space and lets you share files without limits. It’s like the cool kid on the block, winning awards and making storage simple!

100+ Million Registered Users

TeraBox is not just a storage app; it’s the people’s choice now! In just four months, more than 10 million people downloaded it, and by December 2022, guess what? It hit a whopping 100 million users—that’s like ten times more in such a short time.

Terabox 100M+ Donwloads

User Feebacks & Reputation

The solid proof of Terabox’s huge success and reputation is clearly reflected in the user reviews and feedbacks. Most of them find Terabox to be the best cloud storage solution to keep their data securely stored. However, for a few buddies, there are some security concerns as well.

Best Cloud Storage

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Finally, a free cloud storage app that offers more than just a taste of usable space! I can actually do stuff with 1TB! So far, I’ve found the user interface to be straightforward, efficient and easy to navigate.
Vernon Hill

Huge 1TB Free

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Right off the bat, a whole terabyte for free is unheard of. I thought it was too good to be true, but it is not. Once you see how easy it is to access your files on the cloud, if you’re not used to that, it really is very much like having a huge SD card attached to your phone or tablet. Terabox makes me wonder now why all the other clouds start with only 100 gigs.
Kyle Esterley

Lot of Ads

2 star rating
2 star rating
They mislead you with thousands of ads and prompts to buy the premium options and they want you to buy their subscription repeatedly.
Stanislav Klinikov

Read out how terabox works and its inner workings in our new blog post.

What Security Measurements Does Terabox Follow?

As we discussed in the thorough Terabox cloud storage review, Terabox takes user security very seriously and follows multiple security mechanisms to ensure complete all-around protection. These precautions are as follows:

Data Encryption in Transit: (SSL/TLS)

When the user tries to upload his/her file to Terabox, it first goes through the data encryption process by Terabox SSL & TLS encryption protocols to guarantee that only an authorized user can have access to that file.

Terabox ISO certificates

We confirmed the security of by checking the browser’s security information, which is attached here. The connection was secure with a valid certificate.

Two-Factor Authentication

2 factor authentication

The extra protection option available to users is two-factor authentication, which ensures data breach protection by keeping the user’s biometric information or passwords safe. One can increase security by enabling this extra option.

Personal Vault Server Encryption

TeraBox introduces a special feature named ‘Safe,’ which acts as a personal vault for your most confidential files. All data stored in ‘Safe’ is encrypted on TeraBox servers and can only be accessed with your personal vault password. This ensures that your data stays secure, even in the rare case of a TeraBox server breach.

Terabox Safe
Terabox Safe Vault

It is worth noticing that TeraBox’s free users are allocated a personal vault storage limit of 200 MB, while upgrading to their premium plan boosts this storage significantly to 2 TB.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention

TeraBox keeps user’s stuff safe by reducing the chances of data loss via a built-in feature. If something goes wrong, it saves your important files automatically. It’s like a buddy for your files!

Audit Trail

Audit Trial

Terabox comes with an up-to-date and comprehensive audit trail feature that allows users to keep a check on the file change record and access history. With this function, things stay clear and transparent for the user.

Data Privacy Concerns

However, Terabox security features come in handy when it comes to safety but the user analytical data raised some privacy concerns. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

Location of Data Storage

The whereabouts of the data storage servers on Terabox have raised a few questions among users. Some users like their data stored locally or in countries with super strict data protection rules.

Data location

But here comes FlexTech Inc., which owns Terabox, which is a Japanese company having headquarters in Tokyo. This is the main reason for all the questions and concerns from few users.

Third-Party Access

3rd party access

Thus, Terabox may share your information for purposes such as statistics and advertisements. But the easy part is that you may just say no if you’re not interested. Easy enough, huh?

Data Sharing with Law Enforcement

Data Sharing

Sometimes, if a court says so, the Terabox app might have to hand over user information to law enforcement. It’s like a “following orders” thing.

Experts Opinion on Terabox App Safety

We sought the advice of privacy experts, industry professionals, and cybersecurity experts to determine the true level of security of the Terabox app. From the experts, here’s the lowdown:

Mateusz Ługowik (TS2) “Terabox seems to prioritize customer privacy and data protection, even though no platform or program can guarantee 100% security. Because of its SSL encryption during transmission and end-to-end encryption, it offers a secure environment for file sharing and storage”

Craig Hale (TechRadar) “Since we are unable to confirm the current status of data storage and security, we suggest utilizing TeraBox with care. This indicates that you shouldn’t save sensitive or confidential information on the cloud”

Madhsudhan Khemchandani (MKS Guide) “If you utilize online storage often, I might suggest searching elsewhere. Some popular file formats are not supported by TeraBox; thus, file sharing is problematic”

Safety Measures for TeraBox Users

Cloud storage always poses security risks, regardless of the provider. Both internal and external threats target stored data. Protect your information by taking proactive measures. As a TeraBox user, follow these steps:

Use Strong Passwords: Create and use strong, unique passwords for your TeraBox account to enhance security.
Enable Auto Screen Lock: Enable auto screen lock in the Terabox app to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access to your files.
Never Share Login Details: Never share your personal login details with anyone.
Limit Permissions: Allow the TeraBox app to use only the essential permissions necessary for its functionality.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA to add an extra layer of protection to your account.
Regular Backups: Routinely back up your data to safeguard against potential loss or accidental deletion.
Stay Away from Suspicious Links: Always refrain from clicking on suspicious links or sharing personal information.
Monitor Account Activity: Regularly review your account activity to detect any unauthorized access or suspicious behavior.
Never Store Sensitive Data: Avoid storing highly sensitive documents on TeraBox to minimize the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.
Report Concerns: Promptly report any unusual activity or security concerns to TeraBox support for swift resolution.
Keep Software Updated: Ensure your TeraBox app and device software are up-to-date to mitigate security risks.

Is Terabox Safe app to use or Not?

Whether to use Terabox or not is directly up to your choice and your requirements! If you’ve got big files and need a place for them, Terabox can be your go-to. But you have to be more careful when it comes to very private things like personal documents and other stuff like that.

Final Saying

Terabox is safe or not? After having gone through this Terabox app review, one can confirm that Terabox is safe to some extent. However, there exist some areas where the Terabox could improve privacy and transparency.

No doubt TeraBox is a reliable cloud storage friend, but we recommend considering precaution while uploading sensitive documents like credit card information or personal identifications.

TeraBox can be genuine cloud storage, as long as you can figure out how to properly use and acquire 1TB of free storage. It can be useful for publicly shared videos, photos or any other kind of data to store without any second thought.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still got questions and wonder is terabox safe? Find the answers below:

Absolutely yes. The Terabox app is completely free to use and you can download it from the Google Play Store.

Yes, it has. You can get only 1 TB or 1024 GB, of cloud storage at no cost. The premium offers 2 TB or 2048 GB with fast downloads & uploads.

We would like to suggest you think twice and not store private or important files in Terabox. Store less important documents or anything.

Yes, you can only store 500 files with the Terabox free app. If you shift to Terabox Premium, then you don’t have such limitations.

Yes, you can access the Terabox app on multiple devices, like a PC and a mobile device, at the same time but only on the same account.

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